Wednesday 16 November 2011



As this is my first real fitness based blog post, I thought I might start it out with one of my favorite topics........ Arm training!

Everyday, I see guys come into the gym, either doing the same barbell curls they always do, or "shaking up the body" and doing a different arm workout every time they hit the weights floor. In my opinion, and from what I've seen work for myself and my clients, I find that you need to incorporate a little of both methods to get maximum benefit.

Below, I'll show you what I am currently doing for my upper arm training program. I would run this workout for a 3-4 week program (depending on your level of training experience). Within it we are utilizing a method taught to me by Personal Trainer and Strength coach, Tony Boutagy, called an OMNI-TRI SET. This type of workout would be more suited to the intermediate trainee looking for a step up in their training, or the advanced trainer looking for a moderate to intense workout that gives them ample opportunity to lift hard and heavy.

Beginners, take a step back, EARN YOUR STRIPES in the weights room and leave this one till after you've done your general prep training. People always rush into workouts that are too advanced for their current level. I'll guarantee it, you'll either just end up quitting when you find the training too hard (Not that you'll tell anyone that's why your quitting), or you'll hurt yourself in the process.

At the moment, I'm doubling up on my arm workouts. Monday's and Thursday's. I've got my honeymoon cruise coming up in 2 weeks, so it'll be shirts off for 11 days! As far as I'm concerned, your not a real man if you find yourself in that situation without wanting to have arms shaped like a mythical beast! Doubling up on your workouts is a great way to accelerate your gains (this can be done for MOST other muscle groups as well). Enjoy!

The Workout-
A1. Decline close grip bench press (grip just inside shoulder width, elbows in tight to the body)
4 x 6 reps (rest 60sec)
A2. Decline DB skullcrushers
4 x 8 reps (rest 60sec)
A3. Standing V Bar cable tricep pushdown
4 x 12R (rest 60sec)

B1. Thick grip, Shoulder width grip, EZY bar curl (can be done with a standard EZY bar as well)
4 x 6R (rest 60sec)
B2. 60 degree, Incline hammer curls
4 x 8R (rest 60sec)
B3. 2 arm, DB Preacher curls
4 X 12R (rest 60sec)

Set up each tri-set prior to starting, and never rest more than 60sec between set/exercises. Don't skip the rest either. That would just make it impossible to lift the weights required to make this workout effective. Have a stop-watch handy, and run through this as written. And always remember to warm up properly.
Don't be worried if you find yourself having to drop weight from set to set as well. If you don't hit the reps required, drop the weight just a little bit for the next set. If you are training at the right intensity, you'll have to! Remember, your muscles can't count, and they don't know numbers, JUST THE LEVEL OF FATIGUE YOU PUT THEM UNDER!

Hit me up if you have any questions.


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